• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 1/2012

    Music and Shakespearean Revision

    Autor: David Lindley
    ...Music and Shakespearean Revision By DAVID LINDLEY University of Leeds Abstract: As Tiffany Stern has demonstrated, music cues and songs were highly... ... Breach, 1992 , p. 83. 52 David Lindley reference in 1613 to the difficulty the aldermen had in getting hold of the waits since they were then ‘employed at... ...: Cambridge Uni versity Press, 2004 , pp. 81–2. 54 David Lindley prelude to Fame’s entrance. It might be argued that this is only a case of the traditional... ... David Lindley favour of later cornettists. There is no clear evidence which would lead one to prefer any of these solutions. Whatever the complications... ..., 14 Cymbeline, ed. Martin Butler Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 , p. 52. See also his ‘longer note’ on p. 249. 58 David Lindley Armin; and... ... Tempest”, Shakespeare Quarterly, 21 1970 , 213–22. 60 David Lindley repetitions in the dialogue which introduces the masque. Stern, reviving Smith’s case... .... 152. 21 The Tempest, ed. David Lindley Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002 , pp. 221–2. A thoroughly revised second edition is in preparation... ...: Oxford University Press, 1987 , p. 601. 62 David Lindley ballad wares to Mopsa, Dorcas and the Clown. He responds to their request for a ‘merry ballad’... .... 64 David Lindley Blackfriars, they gained access to composers who provided particular settings for particular songs. The hypothesis has always been...
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