• eJournal-Artikel aus "Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie " Ausgabe 4/2010

    … was ich in diesem Hause geworden bin

    Autor: Tove Holmes
    ..., pp. 34–77, here: p. 40. 559 Tove Holmes they are still more likely to be looked at than used, and in the rare instance in which they are employed as... .... 189–209, here: p. 194. 561 Tove Holmes The ultimate educational aim in the “Nachsommer”, the individual’s ability to locate himself meaningfully and... ... Footnote continues on p. 564 563 Tove Holmes tial arrangements begin in the opening pages, in which Heinrich describes his father’s library: In der Wohnung... ...: Depicting Description. Lukács and Stifter, in: Germanic Review 73, 1998, pp. 267–279. 565 Tove Holmes them over. Omissions and incomplete views reflect the... ... pedagogical practice. Cf. Drügh [fn. 5], p. 283. 567 Tove Holmes text based on its own internal logic and as perceived through subjectivity. 28 Thus conceived... .... 167–170. 571 Tove Holmes condition section II . This section will primarily illustrate a third significant dimension of Stifter’s particular educational... ... likely to jump out or back depending on the focus. As he noted before, he even has a cer- 573 Tove Holmes tain amount of control over the composition of... ... imagination or Einbildungskraft to conceive of 40 Cf. Lukács [fn. 2], p. 59. 575 Tove Holmes the vast image at his feet. In this case the lack of abundant... ... von der Wirklichkeit. Probleme bei der Darstellung von Realität im deutschsprachigen literarischen Realismus, Rombach 2009, pp. 141– 190. 569 Tove... ... Holmes The organization of material that leads to the creation of specific knowledge or meaning is not limited to the collections of scientific specimens...
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