• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 1/2014

    Margaret Cavendish, the Antwerp Carmel and The Convent of Pleasure

    Autor: J. P. Vander Motten, Katrien Daemen-de Gelder
    ..., 1600–1800, gen. ed. Caroline Bowden. Part II, vol. 4: Life Writing II London: Pickering & Chatto, 2013 , ed. Katrien Daemen-de Gelder. All in-text references... ... 136 J. P. Vander Motten and Katrien Daemen-de Gelder Pictures 1656 , Margaret confessed that she was by nature given “to contemplation rather than... ... neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 251:1 2014 . Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag 138 J. P. Vander Motten and Katrien Daemen-de Gelder Discalced Carmelites or... .... Vander Motten and Katrien Daemen-de Gelder Easter, our Lady day, & on many days of the years.” 19 Cotton’s habit-taking ceremony not only highlighted the... .... P. Vander Motten and Katrien Daemen-de Gelder to her Court.” 30 Considering how many envoys, ambassadors and travelers flocked to pay their respects... ... Katrien Daemen-de Gelder “Modest” or not, Mary Cotton’s nymph’s dress would be no more extraordinary than Margaret Mostyn’s jewels or Anne Somerset’s black... ... DAEMEN-DE GELDER 41 Designs by Inigo Jones for Masques & Plays at Court. A Descriptive Catalogue of Drawings for Scenery and Costumes mainly in the Collection... ... the making of The Convent of Pleasure, to which a pre-1660 composition date may plausibly be assigned. Ghent University J. P. VANDER MOTTEN AND KATRIEN...
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