• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 1/2008

    Tyndale as Promoter of Figural Allegory and Figurative Language: A Brief Declaration of the Sacraments

    Autor: James Simpson
    ...Tyndale as Promoter of Figural Allegory and Figurative Language: A Brief Declaration of the Sacraments 37 By JAMES SIMPSON Cambridge, MA Everyone... ... Walter that the text was printed in 1533, though it is unclear to me in either text as to what the evidence for that precise date is. 38 James Simpson you... ... St Thomas More, 11 New Haven, 1985 , Appendix A. 40 James Simpson in part a translation from Zwingli’s De vera et falsa religione commentarius... ... to persecute one’s “brother for blind zeal to any opinion” p. 385 . 44 James Simpson III There are two very striking emphases in this text: firstly... ... further discussion of Tyndale’s defense of the literal sense as the only sense of Scripture, and his correlative repudiation of allegory, see James Simpson... ..., Chapter 7. 46 James Simpson merize users of the new technology, who tend to fetishize it. Energized by the extraordinary new possibilities of printed books... ..., 1959 . See further Simpson, Burning to Read, Chapter 7. 48 James Simpson gotten through the Word. Wherefore if the Word is the begetter of the... .... 50 James Simpson bread is made of many grains, “to put us also in remembrance of the housel”; the bearing of candles on Candlemas day is done “in... ... a larger account of the new function of memory in Henrician England, see James Simpson, “Diachronic History and the Shortcomings of Medieval Studies”... ... Again : Tyndale and the Allure of Allegory”, in Word, Church and State, ed. Day, Lund, and O’Donnell, pp. 63–73. 52 James Simpson in his treatment of the...
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