• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 2/2005

    Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park and Kotzebue’s Das Kind der Liebe, Lovers’ Vows: “that we should have such a scene to play!”?

    Autor: Eric Gerald Stanley
    ...Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park and Kotzebue’s Das Kind der Liebe, Lovers’ Vows: “that we should have such a scene to play!”? By ERIC GERALD STANLEY... .... v. Kotzebue August von Kotzebue, pp. 164–78 well describes the political background to his father’s assassination. 302 Eric Gerald Stanley Jews... ... Nineteenth-Century Drama, 2nd ed. Cambridge, [1952], 1955 , gives a good idea of Kotzebue’s importance on the English stage of the period. 304 Eric Gerald Stanley... ..., 1966 , vol. IV, chapter XXIV, p. 136. 306 Eric Gerald Stanley published, had not seen The Stranger, such was its success and fame. And when Kotzebue’s... ... vol. I, chapter IV . 310 Eric Gerald Stanley Graf von der Mulde Count Cassel is no longer the harmless aristocratic fop of the German original who... ... modesty, that she could hardly suppose her cousins could be aware of what they were engaging in; and longed to have them 312 Eric Gerald Stanley roused as... .... 314 Eric Gerald Stanley Amelia. Then I beg first to be acquainted with the good. Anhalt. When two sympathetic hearts meet in the marriage state... ... English’. Cf. Mary Lascelles, Jane Austen and her Art [1939], repr. London, 1995 , pp. 87–116, a very good chapter on Jane Austen’s style. 308 Eric Gerald... ... the English version. 44 Mrs Inchbald’s version of the entire scene is on pp. 503–7. 45 Mansfield Park, p. 358 vol. III, chapter V . 316 Eric Gerald... ... Stanley ported dramatically in relation to the fictional roles they are to play in Lovers’ Vows. But what of those who have no faults? Edmund is to some...
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