• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 2/2018

    Romantic Poetry, Technical Breakthrough and the Changing Editorial Role: The Charles Harpur Critical Archive

    Autor: Paul Eggert, Desmond Schmidt
    ... development site is at . 2 Formal publication is planned for mid 1 Desmond Schmidt and Paul Eggert, ‘The Charles Harpur Critical Archive: A History and... ... Eggert is project leader and editor of the CHCA 2009– . Desmond Schmidt is the technical lead and programmer 2013– , and Meredith Sherlock served as... ... literary and other documents. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 255:2 2018 384 Paul Eggert, Desmond Schmidt designations on an... ... 2018 386 Paul Eggert, Desmond Schmidt sequence. Schmidt had found ways of mitigating the problem by searching for XML-TEI patterns of recording deletions... ... further, Desmond Schmidt, ‘Formatting Poetry for the Web’, , accessed 2... ... Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 255:2 2018 388 Paul Eggert, Desmond Schmidt The commentary, in the case of Harpur, will extend outwards to... ... promise of preservation of their contributions. Paul Eggert Desmond Schmidt Loyola University Chicago Queensland University of Technology... ...Romantic Poetry, Technical Breakthrough and the Changing Editorial Role: The Charles Harpur Critical Archive By PAUL EGGERT Chicago and DESMOND... ... SCHMIDT Brisbane Abstract: This report provides 1 a short history of the Charles Harpur Critical Archive CHCA , which has been in preparation since... ... deal with XML-TEI input, and subsequently using the newly developed archival, tools, storage and workflow system called AustESE. 7 Then in 2013 Desmond...
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