• eJournal-Artikel aus "Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen " Ausgabe 2/2006

    Die exzentrische Bahn: Samuel Beckett and the Madness of Hölderlin

    Autor: Damian Love
    ...Die exzentrische Bahn: Samuel Beckett and the Madness of Hölderlin By DAMIAN LOVE Oxford On 7 June 1943 Josef Goebbels as guest of honour proudly... ... London: Faber and Faber, 2001 , p. 61. 350 Damian Love essay ‘Über das Marionettentheater’ as a useful gloss on how gestures should be performed: ‘There... ... Murphy Tallahassee: Journal of Beckett Studies Books, 1998 , p. 108. 352 Damian Love nôtre frêle bonheur. Un être vraiment heureux est un être solitaire... ... Whobrey Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996 , pp. 157–58. 354 Damian Love furthermore, to contemplate such a drastic contraction of mental horizons... ... bear witness to God. The concession is tragic but unavoidable. 28 Frey, Studies in Poetic Discourse, p. 142. 358 Damian Love The role of man as witness... ... schwinden, es fallen Die leidenden Menschen 29 Hölderlin, ‘Hyperion’, S.W. vol. 3, p. 150. 30 Ibid., vol. 3, p. 143. 360 Damian Love Blindlings von einer... ... Zusammengenommen, aber er muß doch; dem Gleich fehlet die Trauer. 45–51 362 Damian Love The gods prohibit mourning, yet the poet cannot help but mourn, and thus... ... Lawrence Harvey, Samuel Beckett, Poet and Critic Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970 , p. 218. 364 Damian Love of hesitation. The narrow, scarcely... ... International Foundation at Reading University. 24 Hölderlin, ‘Hyperion’, S.W. vol. 3, p. 79. 25 Ibid., vol. 3, p. 16. In Beckett’s edition, p. 440. 356 Damian... ... Love außer mir ist, zu vereinen mit dem Göttlichen in mir’. 26 Ego boundaries expand to achieve a state of higher consciousness, as indeed they do in...
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